What were the winners in the Best Dad Joke Contest?

A recoil, laudable joke about a limousine was named champion of a competition to track down the best father joke.

The idea of ​​a “father’s joke” – a kind of joke that is deliberately so uncomfortable or humiliating that it becomes entertaining again – has recently gained popularity and appreciation.

There is a large group of books that feature the best (read: incredibly terrible) father jokes, with some Twitter accounts dedicated to the organization.

One of the biggest, @Dadsaysjokes, currently has more than 295,000 followers on Twitter, and on the Dad Jokes Facebook page, big names have a standoff for who can make the best dad knowledge cracker, followed by more than 1.2 million People on facebook.

For Father’s Day this year, a grocery chain launched an international rivalry in the UK to find the best father joke to praise the event.

Those who have to take part in the opposition run by Mamia, the children’s and baby brand of the Aldi supermarket chain, tweeted their jokes alongside the hashtag #BestDadJoke. English wag artist Mark Watson looked at over 2,700 sections at this point before settling on the overall winner.

The triumphant passage was for the opposition presented by Austin May of Bedworth, Warwickshire. May’s joke read:

“I employed a limo once, but when it showed up, the person driving it was strolling away! I said, ‘Excuse me? Don’t you want to drive me? ‘ The person told me the cost excludes a driver, so I burned £ 400 ($ 552) on a limo with nothing to go with them! ”

In September 2019, Merriam-Webster added the term father joke to the word reference and recorded the definition as “a healthy joke of the kind told by fathers with a zinger that is regularly a self-evident or unsurprising joke or figure of” speech and usually chose to be lovable, clichéd or reluctant. “

Web-based media was inundated with father jokes on Father’s Day, and Best of Squareenix contributed, “What do you think is a cheddar that is not yours? Nacho-Cheddar! “

Jonathan Easton posted a resolution including, “I held up a pony at 10 to 1 last week. It came at a quarter past four.”

Another was: “Which pc has the best voice? A Dell. “

Not to forget, mother jokes are also becoming more common, with one of the most popular on the internet: “Child:” Mother, could I get $ 20? “Mom:” Does it seem like I’m super rich? “Son:” All right all, isn’t that a great motivator for MOM? “

Explaining his admiration for the arrangement, Watson said, “The ideal father joke must be equal parts of recoil and cheddar – it must demean your children to be in a similar room while you make them giggle.

“It’s a fine balance! When I was making a decision about this opposition, I was on the lookout for these jokes that were so awful that they were in reality acceptable – you don’t have to be a father to joke a father, but I think some of them are really awful Being revealed to people is really a transition experience while becoming a father. “

Among the various sections that Watson cherished was Father’s Day:

1. What caused the man to fall the well? He didn’t see so well!

2. What did the privateer say about his 80th birthday party? “Confirm Matey!”

3. Somebody glued my deck of cards together – I have absolutely no idea how to handle it.

4. What do you call a zombie who cooks stir-fry meals? Dead man wok-ing.

5. I asked why the frisbee kept looking bigger and bigger, and then it hit me.

6. I stopped behind a customer at an ATM and he turned around and said, “Could you check my balance?” – so I pushed him. His balance wasn’t overly exceptional.

7. Why was the scarecrow honored? Then he stayed out in his field!

8. What did Papa Bison say to his child when he went to work? Buffalo.

9. Two people strolled into a bar. The third person evaded.

10. What do you call a visually impaired dinosaur? A Doyouthinkhesaurus!

SOURCE: News Week

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