This is how you deal with difficult people

We are often faced with a confusing situation in life. Perhaps you know a certain person with whom your relationship is challenging. From coworkers, co-workers, friends, and family, these challenging relationships can fill your life with unnecessary stress and anxiety. How do you deal with inconvenience?

Jay Johnson, a communication and leadership development trainer, may have a solution for you. In his motivating TEDx talk, he explains how we often manage relationships incorrectly.

He says: “Only through an improved understanding of behavior and internalized action can we master the conflicts that arise when dealing with difficult people.”

Jay tries to explain how much damage a difficult person can do in your life. “When we deal with difficult people, we are in a heightened state of anxiety. Our systems start to fail, we don’t think rationally, our metabolism slows down, we can even get acne if we get too much stress hormones into the body. Do we want to live our lives like this? Conflicts in the workplace have serious effects and ultimately lead to absenteeism and can even lead to projects failing. “

What steps can you take to deal with difficult people? Jay suggests separating the person from their behavior. Easier said than done right?

“We refer to so many difficult people as ‘difficult to deal with’, ‘difficult’, ‘bad’, but when we look at this and say that I don’t like the behavior of this person, this person, it separates the two things for me US. The label is no longer on them, it’s on the behavior and then we can work that out and ask, is this the hill we want to die on? Is this behavior worth my heart attack and I would like to think that the answer to that is no. “

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